

Ready, Set, Read! has a track record of growth and impact over nearly 25 years of work on behalf of children and families in Los Angeles. We strive to:

Partner with educators in more than 300 schools to amplify their family engagement and early literacy initiatives.

Amplify parent knowledge and skills related to children’s early literacy by providing workshops and early learning resources to more than 60,000 parents & caregivers.

Build children’s home and classroom libraries by providing more than 40,000 high-quality, diverse books each year, fueling joyful learning during shared reading at home and at school.

Impact Assessments


The Educational Leadership Program at University of California, Los Angeles conducted an external assessment of Ready, Set, Read!’s impact on parents’ beliefs and practices regarding early childhood literacy. They found that 3-5 months after the workshop:


  • Parents demonstrated an increase in their confidence to keep their children engaged in a story.

  • Parents from Spanish speaking homes were most positively impacted by the workshop

  • Parents’ confidence in knowing techniques for reading to their children increased

  • More than 90% of parents felt confident in the importance of reading and the connection between reading and their children’s future success.

  • Parents reported an overall increase in the number of books available in the home

  • Parents who speak only Spanish in the home showed the most dramatic increase in their motivation to increase the frequency with which they read to their children

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